
Mercenary kings reloaded edition steam
Mercenary kings reloaded edition steam

We come from the Gameboy Advance era where you ship a game and move on to the next. And I don’t think we have the proper experience to really give a good formula to follow. How do you prioritize new projects vs working on something like Reloaded Edition? And we of course never take a break, so we’ve been working on the next project as well. There’s Flinthook coming up on Switch very soon. Right now, we’re reacting to the new flood of comments we are getting for the Reloaded edition. What else is in the pipeline for Tribute Games? Some might be hard to read but if someone went out of their way to tell us, there must be something to learn and understand from those comments. We try to read as many comments as we can. But sometimes, you are just too invested in your game and deadline focused to actually see some of the flaws or pain points. Not all comments fit or work with our vision or design decisions. How big of a role did the fans play in creating these new features?įans played an important role. And we meant to have a separate mission a bit earlier to play the same role. We really like that mission because, while it’s not hard, it breaks the pace a little bit. Before the Reloaded edition, we only had one Steel Soldier mission which comes very late in the game. The new mission is also something that didn’t initially make the cut. We also love the idea that maybe Miss Zero is controlling this robot remotely with her huge satellite. This also allowed us to expand on who exactly Miss Zero, the radio operator, is and what she brings or creates to help the team out. (Plus, she’s pretty badass)Īs for C-Zar, we wanted to break the mold of what you would expect from a typical playable character. While they are part of the game, we wanted the resistance fighters to play a bigger role by having one of their members join the Mercenary Kings. But time constraints prevented us from achieving this goal. It just makes more sense for a four-player co-op game to at least have four different characters. We always wanted to have four different characters to choose from. Where did the concepts for adding C-Zar and Frigg to the playable characters roster come from? What about the influences behind the new weaponry and mission? But we have nothing set other than the Switch port coming up. There are aspects of Flinthook that we wish we could toy around with and expand on. I think at this point we’re pretty happy with the game and would consider a sequel over a new update.Īre you planning to do anything similar with Flinthook?

#Mercenary kings reloaded edition steam update#

We currently aren’t actively working on another feature update for Mercenary Kings. We went over the Steam forums and our own private notes of features that did not make the initial cut to lay out a proper plan of attack.Īre there any plans to add more content beyond Reloaded Edition? When we finished work on Flinthook, we looked back at Mercenary Kings and thought, this is a great time to put everyone on staff to work on updating and improving the game. Sadly tech choices we made when we started Tribute have put some obstacles when it comes to releasing on new platforms. We’ve been working on the Vita and Xbox One ports of Mercenary Kings for a while now. What made you decide to go back to it for the Reloaded Edition? How long was this in the works? Mercenary Kings has been out for a few years now.

Mercenary kings reloaded edition steam